Saturday, 9 April 2011

Story board

The animation starts with the music intro being slow and chilled,
while this is slow we are having a look into space , the stars in the sky

the music is still quite chilled so the we zoom
into the stars to find a planet in the sky
the music slowy picking up a beat and then 
we see a close up planet earth in all its glory
quickly the earth turns blue and 
the shape changes into a rain drop
the beat kicks in and the rain falls quickly
now you can see the character a zoom out
raining hard down on the poor character, beat is strong
getting really wet now " hmm if only i had a umbrella"
quickly getting his umbrella out to stay dry
the umbrella is keeping him dry, the worse is over surely ??
the beat is high and there is a storm coming, watch out !
the charcater reaction to the storma and lighting
the lighting hits the charater fast and hard
ending the character is extricuted by the lighting

Story board ideas

My main ideas for the animation, i keep coming back to space, water and danger , these are the strong feelinngs i get when listening to the music.

first ideas of the continuation of the snail adventures , i like the idea but after listening to the music i feel the snail isnt fitting with the feeling of the song.

Mind maps to help me narrow down the mood of the song and the section the animation could be broken up into.

Quick story ideas for my main ideas of space, time, water and danger, looking at how i could convay them into animations.

I then thought get my ideas down on paper , write them and see where they take me.

Listening to my music, i thought it be a good idea to show visual what i was thinking  so i went to look for images creating this mood board to start my ideas off for my storyboard.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Snail animation

To create this animation of 3 seconds each drawing had to be scanned in, all 36 images canned and imported into After Effects. I think the hardest part was remebering how to save it all correctly . The animation was meant to be12 frames per second which would make it 3 seconds long, but we thought it be best slowed down a bit to 8 frames per second adding a extra second.

after a succesful save it just needed music, sara used her music libary and looked for suitible track and after some experiementing came up with a song to match.

Im am really  impressed with the animation and how it worked out, i would of liked to try colour or using a higher frame rate to test the difference , but ive got to admit, although i have really enjoy cellular animation , and would consider using it for my final piece even at 12fps there would be a LOT of drawing , i think it is worth it though.

Snail animation storyboard

In the workshop session we was told to make a short animation in pairs and to get us started we looked at possible character ideas and After a workshop session me and my task partner Sara Akl draw out each scene on paper using the clip at the top, we decided to draw out a short story of two snails. The snails worked well for us both and were the characters which looked the best at the end of the worshop. Starting with 3 frames; beginning, middle and end, we decided what would happen in each one. The frames in the middle would be the 'tween' frames.

Here are the 3 original images drawn out:
At the beginnig the two snails meet

Then the two snails fall in love
shock, the snails scared for their lives

This is the work we did before the animation , looking at creating characters

These where my develpoped ideas for the adventures of the snail , going to space and snail in the rain , i thought i should look at if there was room to continue this idea and how , i thought of these little story lines/boards to try and give another look at the snail animation , although i like the snails adventures , i think for the task and the music a cute snail isn't going to work, however i like the concept and think cell animation is the way i want to go .

Photograms/ Rayograms

Man Ray
 Emmanuel Radnitzky an artist famous for his photograms created this iconic piece, the strong contrast and the use of interesting objects makes this a strong piece of work, Man Rays photograms have influenced my work in the present and past.

I created my photograms by placing objects onto light sensitive paper and exposing the paper  to the light,  i adjusted the aperature/shutter speed accordingly to develop a photograph, to test how the photograms would come out i created a test strip where i cover and exposed parts of the paper to different apertures or shutters speeds.

these are some of the photograms i made , using the test strip to guide me to the create exposure i think i have created some some photograms , i like how you can see through some of the objects and the different effects they all give off.

Saturday, 2 April 2011


Looking at animation I had to turn to Disney, Ive grown up watching Disney films and think they have such charm and quality. Disney started out in 1929 and became publicity-traded as Walt Disney Productions in 1938. By 1934 the company had already pushed so many boundries of the animation world with the first Mickey Mouse sketches and decided they wanted to go even further. This lead them to create their first feature length animation film in 1934, 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, based on the Grimm Brothers fairytale. Taking three years to complete, it became the highest grossing filmof its time by 1939.

The sketches they draw out, and each frame is checked for movement and quality, a lengthy  process but worth it.

I found these scenes and thought i must put them in just to show what effort goes into such art, the process can take up to 3 years in and it has to be planned and scripted throughtout , well i hope you enjoy these disney clips.

Friday, 1 April 2011


Looking to develop on my ideas of using, i thought id look at kaleidoscopes as a way of using just pattern and colour for my animation, I researched some videos on youtube and found these two as inspiration.I found the  patterns and colours mesmerizing and think it could work well for an animation.

Stop motion

After getting this assignment i went away and starting researching different animation , the techniques and styles used , these are all the interesting stop motions i found on my travels.

This post it note stop motion , literally blew my mind, i thought the use of the post it to create characters and a narrative along side the colours and reaction from the male it works well , connecting with the audience making keeping them interested.

Below, T shirt war:
This video uses T-Shirts to create an interesting/amazing stop motion , over 220 t-shirts where used, designed and animated even pulling real objects out to add to the effect, i think its really clever and originally used to create advertisements.

Blow Tetris:
I liked this stop motion because they have represented the game really well , using people and colour, and even creating the noises , this just brings to life the idea of the game and how it involves people, i think it is a well executed stop motion and works well

Her Morning Elegance video
Directed by: Oren Lavie, Yuval & Merav Nathan
Featuring: Shir Shomron
Photography: Eyal Landesman

I think this video is really well done, its really clever , everything links together and almost looks like a normal film. The music is presented in the music and it all flows together and fits.