Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Photograms/ Rayograms

Man Ray
 Emmanuel Radnitzky an artist famous for his photograms created this iconic piece, the strong contrast and the use of interesting objects makes this a strong piece of work, Man Rays photograms have influenced my work in the present and past.

I created my photograms by placing objects onto light sensitive paper and exposing the paper  to the light,  i adjusted the aperature/shutter speed accordingly to develop a photograph, to test how the photograms would come out i created a test strip where i cover and exposed parts of the paper to different apertures or shutters speeds.

these are some of the photograms i made , using the test strip to guide me to the create exposure i think i have created some some photograms , i like how you can see through some of the objects and the different effects they all give off.

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