Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Snail animation storyboard

In the workshop session we was told to make a short animation in pairs and to get us started we looked at possible character ideas and After a workshop session me and my task partner Sara Akl draw out each scene on paper using the clip at the top, we decided to draw out a short story of two snails. The snails worked well for us both and were the characters which looked the best at the end of the worshop. Starting with 3 frames; beginning, middle and end, we decided what would happen in each one. The frames in the middle would be the 'tween' frames.

Here are the 3 original images drawn out:
At the beginnig the two snails meet

Then the two snails fall in love
shock, the snails scared for their lives

This is the work we did before the animation , looking at creating characters

These where my develpoped ideas for the adventures of the snail , going to space and snail in the rain , i thought i should look at if there was room to continue this idea and how , i thought of these little story lines/boards to try and give another look at the snail animation , although i like the snails adventures , i think for the task and the music a cute snail isn't going to work, however i like the concept and think cell animation is the way i want to go .

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